Day 173: Dear Diary: Today was a long series of computer malfunctions in our office, resulting in a cake of frustration frosted liberally with blue invective on the parts of both Kevin and myself. It began when my government laptop flatly refused to acknowledge either of us until it was rebooted, at which point it decided to disconnect from the printer out of spite. Once we had tamed that family of gremlins, a new series hatched in my email, freezing any download as solidly as if it had been left on the Arctic tundra. In the end result, an hour's work was done at the end of an eight-hour day, at which point some mutual bird-flipping was done in the direction of things technologic, and the two of us departed the building in sore need of natural refreshment. Upon returning from a brisk two-mile walk through the volunteer campground, we shut the door and went the hell home. Some days are like that.
such the descriptive "well put" language of a day preceding the full moon! I believe the moon for about a week before affects a lot of gotcha! Nice that you could get out for a walk....the positive of the whole thing :)