Sunday, May 27, 2012

Planting Time

Day 227: It's time. A tray of seedlings has been sitting beneath fluorescent lights atop my washer and drier for almost two months from the time I planted the first seeds, and now the time has come to harden them off for the garden. Today, petunias and ageratum moved into hanging baskets, the orange Non-Stop begonia shifted to its larger and permanent accommodation, and Nigella, Physalis, Gazanias, Rudbeckias and more Ageratum await transplanting to the flowerbeds. Sweet Million cherry tomatoes will move into a ten-gallon tree tub sunk to the waist beside my kitchen door where I can snack on them as the mood strikes.

The growing season is short here near the Mountain. I've had a killing frost as late as the 22d of June. While events such as that are not common, it's wise to remember that they can occur. I'll be keeping an eye on the weather forecast, bubble wrap jackets at the ready to protect tender starts.

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