Sunday, July 15, 2012

A Handful Of Pine Siskin

Day 276: Meet my newest little friend. Pine Siskins have been reported to be in decline over the last decade, so last year I was excited when they showed up in droves at my feeders. They have been regulars throughout the winter, if perhaps in fewer numbers, but with the onset of summer weather, they've returned and are raising families in the neighborhood. They're friendly sorts, Siskins, as evidenced by this young bird who has become confident around me over the last several days. Yesterday, we shook hands at a fencepost. Today, I took him for a walk to the various feeding stations in the yard, camera in my other hand. Occasionally, he would fly back to a feeder for another mouthful, but each time, allowed me to pick him up again. In fact, I had my good friend Kevin and his family over this afternoon and when they left just now, I thought I might introduce them to him as well. He posed obligingly as Kevin snapped picture after picture, and as Kevin was driving out of the yard, I found myself faced with something of a dilemma: my little friend wanted to stay on my hand when I offered to return him to a perch. What a little sweetheart!

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