Friday, July 6, 2012

Western Scrub Jay, Aphelocoma Californica

Day 267 (Fourth and last edition): Western Scrub Jay (Aphelocoma californica) has been on my "problem" species list for some time. Because of their habit of perching on telephone lines, they are nearly always in too strong contrast with the background. There is only so much tweaking you can do to a photo before it becomes apparent, so I am enormously proud to say that this one is SOOC ("straight out of camera"). Mr. Jay and a friend caught my eye as I sped past and I fully expected them to fly off at the squeal of brakes which always accompanies a bicycling bird sighting. One did, but this chap didn't get the memo. A hazelnut bush provided me with the necessary cover, and I took this shot between branches. I only got one chance. Jay must have seen a glint on the lens. He was out of there like a shot in the next second, and into the safety of dense evergreen boughs.

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