Saturday, September 1, 2012

Rogues And Scallywags

Day 333: Another day o' piratin' for the Black Blade, this time in the port of St. Helens, Oregon. 'Twas a fine gatherin' o' them as is called the terrors o' the high seas, and by the Lord Harry, I did set my eye on a younker who well might stand for a double or a son o' old Jack Sparrow. Do ye no' see the likeness o' him here? An' cor blimey, that bloody monkey was about as well, but I didna catch 'im in a portrait, more's the pity, for I'da had 'im in a stew. Mayhap one of these rogues done the job, for if ever an animile wanted stewing, it be the monkey o' Hector Barbossa.

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