Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cat Basket

Day 26: Yard sales, boot sales, jumbles...whatever you want to call them, to me they are something to be assiduously avoided. Call it a preventative measure, if you will: insurance against the impulse to purchase things I neither need nor have space to accommodate. However, sometimes I find myself in a position where temptation cannot be avoided and the inevitable occurs; in this case, a kitten who followed me home from a bake sale/bazaar I attended with my fishing buddy and his family.

The basket on which she sits is large and squat, perfect for a small knitting project, and I would guess that it was made by someone who labors for a wage of mere pennies per day. Cat Herself is obviously hand-carved and functions as the lifter for the snug-fitting lid. Her gaze seems to say, "The yarn in this basket belongs to me, so you two other cats, you go find something else to play with and leave it alone."

Five dollars was a small price to pay for such a loyal guardian for my stitchery, but did I need another basket? Perhaps not, but like the philosophy which governs many cat owners, I answered that question by saying, "What's another one, more or less?"

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