Thursday, November 1, 2012

Biography Of A Pirate: Morgan Corbye

Day 30: Little is known about Morgan Corbye's early years other than from the abbreviated log entries of infamous Capt. Edgar Service who discovered a twelve-year old stowaway among his cargo shortly before offloading a freight of illicit goods at Tortuga. Emaciated and filthy, the feisty girl caught his fancy when she nearly succeeded in making good on a threat to "have yer gizzard on a marlinespike" as she took on a man twice her size and five times her age despite her poor physical condition. Service placed her under his protection, garbed her as a common sailor and kept her in his employ for several years aboard the Compass Rose until the ship foundered in an unseasonal storm. Capt. Service went down with his vessel and from various sources, we know that only a few hands made it to shore, Morgan Corbye among them, if not perhaps literally in proximity to them.

Her history again becomes vague at this point with only rumours to describe how she came into possession of the Winged Adventure, stories ranging from the ridiculous (that she was possessed by the spirit of Edward Teach and commanded by enchantments) to the sublime (that she gained the helm upon singlehandedly subduing its crew of a dozen at knife-point). Based upon personal acquaintance with Capt. Corbye, your historian is inclined to believe the latter, although it is impossible to verify with many of the former crew no longer among the living; the Captain herself claims only five put up serious resistance.

It is worth mentioning that Morgan Corbye is a singular individual, although not in a genetic sense. She is the identical twin to notorious scoundrel Kat (Katherine) Corbye, called by some the "Dread Pirate Corbye" just as Morgan is referred to as the "Black Blade." It does not sit well with either woman that there are two "Captains Corbye" on the waves, both of similar infamy and prowess. Indeed, exploits attributed to one sister may be those executed by the other, a factor which contributes to the inaccuracy of the colorful histories which surround both women. It is well documented that Kat Corbye obtained her command of the Grey Raven by dispatching its captain at the same time that her sister was serving her apprenticeship under Capt. Service. Morgan Corbye benefited from the guidance of a superior while Kat Corbye had no such tutor in the ways of command.

Throughout the years of her career, Morgan Corbye has commanded but one ship, the Winged Adventure. A few of her original crew remain staunchly loyal, the remainder having fallen to the various forms of attrition incumbent with acts of piracy. She exhibits a fondness for knives and the lash, but applies neither injudiciously, and may often be found in her cabin, at work with the same marlinespike with which she menaced Capt. Service those many years ago.

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