Saturday, May 4, 2013

Osteospermum Spoon Flower

Day 214: When my friend Patty got a "Spoon Flower" last year, I knew I'd just have to find one for my garden! An Osteospermum, the plant is an annual, but I am given to understand that it reseeds freely. The "spoony" variety comes in medium purple like this one, dark purple and white. I bought a medium and a dark purple. I won't be putting them out in the garden just yet, though. It's not uncommon for us to get a killing frost in late May. I never put tomatoes out until at least the first of June.

And speaking of tomatoes, they've failed to produce for me for the last two years because cold nights came early. Even with a maturation date of 60-65 days, a pair of my favorite Sweet Million cherry tomatoes only produced half a dozen fruits. I am trying a different variety this year (Oregon Spring) in the hopes that it's better adapted to our climate. Oregon Spring matures at 60 days.

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