Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Lone Willow, Four Seasons

Day 97: The Lone Willow stands in an open pasture at the bottom of the hill, just off Hwy 161 south of the town of Graham, obvious to anyone travelling either direction. I'm sure most drivers notice it, but how many observe its seasonal changes? After it lost a major limb during an ice storm, I decided to make it the subject of a nature-mapping project before its graceful shape could be further altered by the elements. A convenient telephone pole allowed me to situate myself in approximately the same position each time I visited the tree, and a little cropping and straightening adjusted any inequities. These photos were taken in the first week of May, the last week of July, mid-November and today (January 7, 2014).

While the Lone Willow and I are friends of many years' standing, I feel I've become more keenly acquainted with it over the last year. I'd hoped to capture it in a snowy setting, but alas, when the snow comes to Flatland, it's deeper here and I do not venture out of my driveway.

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