Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Field Trip

Day 275: I had an unexpected opportunity today to take a mini-field trip with David Biek, the author of "Flora of Mount Rainier National Park" and his colleague Susan McDougall after discussing with them my find of Round-leaved Sundews at Lake St. Clair. Little did I know what a surprise awaited me. I will not be revealing the location of this lush colony which I would estimate covered 6-9 square feet of ground in an absolute carpet of carnivory, but you can be assured that I will be monitoring it very closely and quite a bit more often than the St. Clair group.

In addition to Drosera rotundifolia, David and Susan also pointed out Tofieldia glutinosa (False Asphodel) and Hypericum anagalloides (Tinker's Penny), both species I had not previously recorded. The Asphodel was a less than optimum example and the light was wrong for me to capture the yellow flowers of Tinker's Penny, but both are accessible for a later photo session.

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