Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Madame Skunk

Day 358: Skunk is clearly the Queen of the Household, and enjoys bird-watching from her favourite chair. She came to me as a kitten almost twelve years ago, scrappy little thing who had whipped a pair of dachshunds after they killed one of her siblings and then went after her. The lesson she taught them was not without cost. She came close to losing one hand in the encounter. Having come up the hard way, it's best not to surprise her if you value your skin, but when she is ready for love on her own terms, she will shove aside anything in her way to take possession of a lap. She endures rambunctious, rowdy Tip with the patience of a saint for the most part, but he knows that when she spits at him, she means business and he respects her authority. Skunk rules!

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