Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Door Wardens

Day 184: A little desperate for a blog photo tonight because I have been out gardening and (ugh!) mowing all day, so I thought I would give my readers a closer look at the newest addition to my Sarracenia collection. This is "Carolina Yellow Jacket," a hybrid of three varieties. It is a compact plant, the tightly packed pitchers grow to no more than eight inches in length. The hoods of Yellow Jacket are erect rather than nodding, a factor which allow rainwater to collect in the cups. Like other Sarracenias, its pitchers are lined with downward-pointing "hairs" which prevent unwary insects from escaping their inevitable doom. Once inside a pitcher, the only direction a bug can travel is downward, into a reservoir of digestive enzymes. I am happy to have Sarracenias guarding my back porch from mosquitoes and flies!

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