Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Up Butterfly Alley

Day 212: I think I shall have to start referring to "Mourning Cloak Alley" by a broader name, "Butterfly Alley" because although the Cloaks dominate it during their early-season flight, it hosts just about any other species you might hope to see in Pack Forest. While I was chasing Commas, another bit of bright orange flashed through the periphery of my vision. Noting where it landed, I turned the camera toward it without moving my feet and zoomed in. It turned out to be a Red Admiral (Vanessa atalanta, left), the only one I saw during that day. Margined Whites (Pieris marginalis, right) were abundant as always, and it's possible that other Whites may also have been on the wing. I wish I knew what made that one quarter-mile stretch of the 1000 Road so popular with the Lepidoptera.

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