Monday, June 1, 2015

Annual Guests

Day 231: My favourite summer tenants have arrived! My feeders are under siege by dozens of Evening Grosbeaks, the air alive with the sound of their "CHURP!" calls and the flutter of wings. Alongside them, Pine Siskins and Goldfinches have discovered the bottomless supply of black-oil sunflower seed (if only they knew!), and no one minds if the occasional Black-Headed Grosbeak stops in for a snack. The only arguments are among themselves for the most part: "I was here first! Go find your own spot!" and a Goldfinch trying to squeeze in between is usually ignored. Occasionally, there are some hard words directed toward the hapless Steller's Jay who mistakenly assumes that his year-'round renter's agreement permits the best seating at the table, but generally, everyone gets along just fine.

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