Monday, November 21, 2016


Day 39: Birdwatching (particularly in my own back yard) is something I enjoy greatly. I maintain feeding stations with an eye to attracting as many species as possible, and have planted trees, shrubs and forage plants in my yard to make it as appealing as possible. Not a day goes by that I don't see Dark-eyed Juncoes (Oregon and Pink-sided, above) and Steller's Jays as well as the resident ravens and my namesake crows. The juncoes occur here year-'round, whereas other species including grosbeaks, sparrows, finches, wrens, towhees, swallows and siskins come only in season but do so consistently year after year. I am always delighted when an "occasional" shows up: Lazuli Bunting, Western Tanager, Scrub Jay, etc. I keep a Life List and although it isn't as impressive as it would be if I travelled, it thrills me to be able to tick off something I haven't seen before. Photographically, the Juncoes get short shrift. They're my "everyday" birds, their soft pips always coming from within the tangled branches of the contorted filbert, letting me know that the daily seed is expected, yes, but also appreciated.

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