Tuesday, February 7, 2017


 Day 117 (catch-up post): I have a brain...hat, that is. It required a lot more "i-cord" (French cord) than I'd expected to adequately cover the stocking cap. Each hemisphere took approximately 14 feet! A wig form is mandatory for arranging and pinning the convolutions unless you have a friend who is willing to serve as a pro-tem voodoo doll. The resultant hat is rather heavy, but fits snugly on the head without shifting. I'm ready for the March for Science on April 22, and also for the Nisqually Land Trust's annual "zombie" planting event!

Alternately working on a sock and the hat, I was of the mind that a vacation from the internet was just what I'd needed, although turning a blind eye to events, whether by design or accident, does not negate them as some seem to believe.

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