Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Bud Blancher Snowdrops

Day 110: Not long after the Bud Blancher trail was completed, I decided to explore some of the side trails and overgrown logging roads which fork off from it to head into Pack Forest. Overgrown paths are fun. You never know what you may find (good or bad). That said, I was not expecting to strike upon half a dozen small patches of snowdrops, a "garden plant" which had apparently been thinned and tossed into the woods. Eventually, I got around to lifting a few bulbs for my own garden (I mean, these are's not like I was guilty of nicking wildflowers!), and even though they've established in my flower bed, I still like to visit the source when I hike the trail. It felt a little early to find them blooming, and in fact most were in the phase you see here. I only found one nodding, still unopen, so I'll be heading back that way soon if the rain allows.

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