Saturday, August 25, 2018

Fuchsia Fantasy

Day 316: These are just a few of my hardy fuchsias. Yes, you heard that right: hardy. These are not the delicate annuals which die down at the first hint of winter. In fact, I selected these particular varieties because they are capable of withstanding temperatures of 0° F. or lower. The stems are woody and tough, and even though the first signs of growth in spring usually emerge at ground level, leaves will emerge on the hardened wood later in the season, followed by a dazzling display of flowers. Although to many people, the phrase "hardy fuchsia" brings to mind smaller flowers, many varieties bear blooms equally as large and showy as those of the annuals and are available in a wide range of colour combinations. Most varieties tend toward shrubbiness, but pruning will keep them from getting out of hand. Shown here are Erecta with its unusual upward-facing corolla, Army Nurse brilliant in rich purple and red, the plump two-toned pink Garden News, and the familiar traditional Genii.

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