Saturday, September 15, 2018

Birthday Girl

Day 337 (Part B): Bonus post today because she deserves it. Skunk is celebrating her 16th birthday today. The bottom photo was taken the night I brought her home, still blue-eyed and bare-tailed, and her right wrist showing a healing wound inflicted by two kitten-killing dachshunds who tried their damndest to make a meal of her. Even then, she was a scrappy, feisty little thing, and seven years elapsed before she'd sit on my lap. Now, she demands her lap-time, shoving aside whatever project I may have in my hands and taking forever to settle her poor arthritic bones into a reasonably comfortable position. Her health is not good, but we go on, taking each day as it comes, because that's the way it works when you promise someone a "forever home." Happy Birthday, Skunk!

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