Saturday, February 9, 2019

Snowpocalypse 2019

Day 119: I trust these guys' prognostications more than any forecast from NOAA or Cliff Mass, but in this instance, all three agree: it's gonna be a doozy. Snowpocalypse 2019 has barely begun and already I have eight inches of white in my yard. Predicted snowfall amounts vary from mere showers some days to  substantial accumulation on others, the general theme interspersed with periods of gusty winds and bitter nighttime temperatures. The wind is keeping snow from weighing down tree branches and power lines, a plus for me but a factor which deprives my little avian friends of the igloo-like protection of the contorted filbert. They're gobbling the calories as fast as I can lay out seed, the larger birds at three feeders (including the Thrushes) and a ground crew of juncos, sparrows and of course the Towhees who prefer to scratch for their dinner. I may not have bought enough milk to see me through to the melt, but I'm well stocked with bird seed.

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