This is the 15th year of continuous daily publication for 365Caws. All things considered, it's likely it will be the last year as it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to find interesting material. However, I hope that I may have inspired someone to a greater curiosity about the natural world with my natural history posts, or encouraged a novice weaver or needleworker. If so, I've done what I set out to do.
Thursday, April 11, 2019
The Guy With The Racing Stripes
Day 180: Only a handful of Sparrow species come to my feeders, but one of the most common is the guy with the racing stripes (or bicycle helmet, whichever you prefer). White-Crowned Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) is very easy to identify. Less frequently, his Golden-Crowned cousins show up, their heads marked by a single Mohawk streak which is bright yellow in mature birds. Young Golden-Crowneds may resemble White-Crowned at first glance, but the presence or absence of the "helmet" pattern formed by the stripes through the eyes and on the crown should resolve any confusion between the two. In any event, his hat's not keeping his head dry, not today, not for the last several days. I think he may be starting to wonder what happened to that nice spring weather we had at the beginning of the month.
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