Monday, May 6, 2019

Bending Rules

Day 205: My friends all know that I don't like pink. No, revise that. My friends all know I despise pink, so they are always surprised when I post images of pink-flowered plants in my garden. While I would hardly want to choose pink as the theme for the beds I see most frequently from my windows. I am willing to excuse it in quiet corners if it comes on a plant I particularly like. I have fluffy pink-skirted Columbines, Bergenia (only because I've been unsuccessful digging it out), heathers which lean rather toward rose than to lavender, fuchsias in both bright pink dresses and pale blush-tinted ones, and Bleeding-Hearts. No garden should be without Bleeding-Hearts, whether plump-flowered ones like this cultivar or the dainty natives. I'll bend the rule for Ma Nature. If her fashion sense dictates that she should wear pink to Spring Fête, who am I to say otherwise?

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