Thursday, October 15, 2020

She Scores!

Day 2: As a hunter-gatherer ("hunting" what I gather, you understand), I am keenly aware that timing is critical. Nevertheless, I very nearly missed the window for this score, although I was at this exact spot on September 29. That's fourteen days ago, and there was not a single Shaggymane in evidence at that time, not even a button. Today, there were at least a hundred, 75% of which were in some phase of turning to ink, many already long gone. The top left image shows the scene as I first perceived it with a heavy heart. How could I have possibly missed them? And then as I attempted to assess whether any of them were salvageable for soup, I realized that I was surrounded by younger, healthier specimens. I pulled my perhaps-bag out of my pack, grabbed my 'shroom knife and began severing stipes. Eventually, I said, "Okay, that's enough. The rest of you stay there and make lots more Shaggies for me for next year." To date, it was the heaviest yield I've seen at this particular location. It's almost as if they're benefiting from being harvested. End of story? I've just polished off an enormous bowl of Shaggymane soup: thick, rich and seasoned with salt, pepper and a light touch of garlic. You gotta love autumn.

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