Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Construct Of Time

Day 151: Every year at this juncture (and again in late autumn), I find myself puzzling over humanity's innate masochistic tendencies. Governing bodies seat themselves to debate whether or not Daylight Time should be made permanent or abandoned altogether, all the while knowing full well that again they will come to no resolution, wasting the very thing under discussion along with another of Mankind's constructs, the taxpayers' money. Time and money have caused more problems than any other matters except perhaps religion, all three being totally artificial constructs of society. I must note here that there are some cultures which do not acknowledge the Western concept of time; enlightened people, these, who spare themselves being regulated by ticks, tocks, and lighted displays. The duration of daylight is not affected by Man's intervention. It is simply reallotted. All our efforts to gain control of the situation are futile, and yet we continue to bang our heads against the wall as if we believe we can manipulate the universe to our will. Life would be so much simpler if people would just get up with the sun and go to bed when it gets dark. They might find they didn't have time to stir up trouble about Time.

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