Monday, August 15, 2022

Kittygons Halfway

Day 306: Sooner or later, it happens to every person who quilts as much as I do. Your attention falters, and you sew something where it didn't belong. In this case, I was so excited about being halfway done with assembling the Kittygons that I sewed four extra background pieces into the spots which should have been reserved for the tops of the next set of large hexagons. I realized it only when I tried to fit a completed Kittygon into the nex row. A few swear-words later, all was set to rights and I was on my way to completion of Row 4. I have found that by having the Kittygons pre-assembled, it is much less confusing than trying to keep track of the order in which they appear if sewn in individual lines, but even so, it's obviously no guarantee against error. Hexagon quilts are fun to make, but anyone considering one should be prepared to sew a lot of short seams, and to waste an incredible amount of thread. There is no gang-processing here, no strings of pieces to zip through the sewing machine without cutting the thread. Every seam (two inches in this rendition) must be individually sewed. Be sure to put "patience" on your shopping list.

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