Saturday, November 26, 2022

Population Explosion

Day 44: They say you should be careful what you wish for. There was a time when I had no Chickadees in my yard. A few years back, one paid a very brief visit and I was utterly overjoyed. Of course having the contorted filbert to provide them a safe zone was probably a major factor, but it wasn't long before I had two 'dee-dees, then three, then half a dozen. For the last two years (maybe three), the Chestnut-Backed have been more than willing to sit in the palm of my hand to enjoy their lunch. The Black-Cappeds aren't as brave. Brave? Brazen is a better word for the Chessies. Just now as I went out to take this photo, one landed on the clothesline across the back steps, a mere six inches from my face. And cussed me out for being slow with the food! This year, the population has exploded. I must have at least three dozen, and the chorus of "Dee-dee-dee! Dee-dee-dee!" is almost deafening when they all come at once and begin clamouring for seed. What music it is to my spirit, this chorus sung by my winter friends!

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