Monday, January 2, 2023

Bringing In 2023

Day 81: Given that New Year's Day brought a circumstance which necessitated a significant dip into my limited financial resources, I am hoping that this morning's spectacular sunrise bodes well for improving conditions. My freezer is terminal, and I hope it will hold together, assisted as it is by a substantial amount of duct tape, long enough for me to eat up the meats and process the fruits into other forms. I am not so gullible that I believe the "promised delivery date" for the new one; too many comments from other purchasers indicated that the supplier is more likely to miss at least once, if not twice. However, the new one will be delivered to my kitchen, and the old one will be hauled away (for a fee, of course). I really had intended those raspberries to be snacks, but they are destined for the jam pot now, and I have my next few days' work cut out for me.

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