Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Naked Potential

Day 83: There is so much potential represented in a naked loom! Yes, the waffle throw is off the rollers, although I only have the panels halfway stitched together as yet. There is a Plan in the works, but first I must finish up the last few inches of a band in order to free up the warping board because it currently holds the next warp for the bonker loom. That's a simpler solution than digging into the cupboard to retrieve my second warping board from behind fabric and fiber-arts equipment boxes. There is one major decision to be made, however: colour. I want to try out a new summer-and-winter draft and may have to flip a coin to choose between traditional colours (red or blue) or go with something more modern. I'm leaning slightly toward the latter, just to spice things up a little. Of course, once I've made my test pieces (probably several towels) and know how the draft works up, then I'll have a better perspective for drawing up a Grand Plan for a tablecloth or coverlet. For those of us who love experiments, the promise offered by a naked loom is too much to resist for long.

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