Saturday, January 7, 2023

The Gatorade Method

Day 86: Dressing a loom is best done with a partner whenever possible, but it has been many years since I had a helper available to hold tension on the warp while I wound it onto the back beam, and consequently, I have had to improvise. This technique is what I laughingly refer to as the "Gatorade Method." The warp bundles are tied to yarn loops around the necks of empty G2 bottles partially filled with water for weight. Depending on the fiber, more or less water can be used to maintain uniform tension throughout, reducing the amount for delicate threads which might break under greater stress. The drawback to the system is that it requires re-tying every 18" or so in order to keep the bottles suspended, and that means a lot of up-and-down on creaky old knees. By the time I have six yards of warp wound onto the beam, I will have had my exercise and will be more than ready for the less physical work of threading the heddles and the reed. It's important that you keep your electrolyte balance up when weaving. Drink lots of Gatorade!

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