Day 224: "'This must be Thursday,' said Arthur to himself, sinking low over his beer. 'I never could get the hang of Thursdays.'"
I have to admit, it took me a long time to get the hang of Douglas Adams's books. Initially, I was put off by the sheer ridiculousness of a place where people were named Beeblebrox and Slartibartfast, but eventually, Adams' extraordinary understanding of physics and his linguistic tricks wormed their way into my consciousness, and I was able to put aside my conviction that, as far as these novels were concerned, popularity did not equate with quality. That said, as I re-read them again in observance of Towel Day, I am still convinced that Adams walked straight past the sign which read "Keep off the grass," and therefore managed to avoid being institutionalized as a danger to himself and others by being able to present himself as a rational being when in public. Thus, my friends, I wish you a happy Towel Day, and no matter how it goes wherever you are, "Don't panic."
(Background photo courtesy of NASA)
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