Friday, June 9, 2023

Almost Lonesome Myrio

Day 239: My botany partners and I went out on our first field trip of the year yesterday, and although we did not succeed at our primary mission to find a particular plant, we got to visit some old friends. Myriosclerotinia caricis-ampullaceae proved very elusive, and it was Joe who finally called out, "Found one!" It was a small specimen, but as perfect as could be hoped. Evaluating the conditions in the meadow, we were dismayed to find it drier than usual, a factor which certainly had an impact on Myrio's presence, but it was also possible that we had arrived past the fungus' peak fruiting period. Was there only one? Joe's keen eyes eventually brought one more example to light, even smaller than the first. We were unable to check any of the other sites where we have found this rare and elegant fungus.

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