Thursday, July 20, 2023

At The End Of All Things

Day 280: "I'm glad you are here with me. Here at the end of all things," said Frodo, and while not as cataclysmic, I have reached the end of one thing with far greater success than expected. Achieving even tension has been an issue when I've warped my Leksand loom in the past, with the pattern threads becoming more loose than the background threads every time I advanced the warp. As a rule, I prefer long warps so that I can create pieces which can be cut to size, but I was beginning to think it wasn't possible to warp more than three or four yards on the Leksand. Then I discovered Louise Ström's twisting method, and decided to go out on a limb with a warp stretched twice across my living room (i.e., down and back). I am happy to say that even tension was maintained throughout roughly 25-28' of weaving. I found that as I advanced the warp, I could work any irregularities back into the twisted portion. I expected to have them all piled up when I got to the end, and was pleasantly surprised when they all balanced out instead. I have two more repeats to weave on this band. For my next project, I will remember to double the pattern threads for a more solid look.

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