Tuesday, October 10, 2023

King's Flower

Day 362: Oh, those infamous words: "It seemed like a good idea at the time." For all my careful planning, measuring, weighing, colour selection, etc., once I had woven 16" on the proposed holiday tablecloth, I said with emphatic asperity, "I do not like this, no, not one bit." I ruminated on the problem for a couple of days, trying to decide whether to keep going despite my sentiments or to simply cut it off the loom, thereby leaving myself short of the warp length I'd need to complete the seasonal project. I liked the pattern, but the floats were too long for my customary 8/2 cotton, and the colours I'd chosen simply didn't play well together. A pair of options faced me: I could rethread the loom with a different pattern, or I could try a heavier thread for the overshot and hope that it would plump up sufficiently to accommodate the floats. I happened to have two cones of a 5/2 blue with the same dye lot, so I elected to do the latter. The floats are still rather loose, but I think once the piece is subjected to a hot-water wash and high-heat drying, it will have shrunk up sufficiently to be used for bedroom curtains or some other low abrasion purpose. The next time I weave King's Flower, I will sett it at 24 epi so I can use 8/2 throughout.

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