Thursday, November 9, 2023

'Dee-dee Season


Day 27: Although most of them are still shy about taking food from my hand, I strongly suspect that this 'dee-dee (Chestnut-backed Chickadee, Poecile rufescens) is a returnee with a good memory. He was perfectly content to sit there cracking seeds, and in fact wedged one in the crack between my fingers and proceeded to try to pound it open with his beak. It was all I could do not to wince or laugh as he drove the seed further and further into the gap. I can't say for sure whether he pushed it all the way through or not because I had my eyes averted (most critters view eye contact as a threat). As a sidebar here, I will say that I'm making progress with the Nuthatch. He is not yet confident, but flew to the hand close enough that a wing brushed my fingers. I've also had one Black-Capped Chickadee take food from my palm this fall. They are somewhat more shy than the Chessies about making contact.

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