Saturday, December 9, 2023

Introducing Pippin

Day 57: Every year, I buy myself a Christmas prezzie. This year, I splurged a bit more than usual after falling in love with a delightful and beautifully made small band loom of an entirely different style. Although it weaves warp-faced bands like an inkle loom, it functions in much the same way as a regular loom, i.e., the sheds (two) are opened by raising or lowering shafts/heddles. Warp is held on the back beam, finished band wound onto the front. And it holds a phenomenal amount of warp for its compact size! It stands a little over a foot and a half tall, and could in a pinch be rested on a lap. It will make bands up to four inches wide. Many weavers name their looms, and of course I have named my "floor model" band looms Jutta and Nelda respectively. This little darling is Pippin!

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