Friday, February 9, 2024

Cream Puffs

Day 119: When Ed came up to deliver Max, the countermarche loom, he also brought a sizeable number of foodstuffs I consider luxury items: fruit, fresh veg, pecans and a small bottle of whipping cream to put in his tea. He left the things we didn't eat with me, and I have been delighting in broccoli and cauliflower in cheese sauce, apples, oranges and salami. The whipping cream presented a puzzle. I was certainly not going to waste a drop of it because it's probably been fifty years since I had any of it in the house, but what was the best use? Then it hit me: cream puffs.

Now when I was in high school, "Home Economics" was a mandatory subject. I despised it almost as passionately as I despised History. It didn't help that the teacher didn't like me because I refused to wear a girdle and nylons and, consequently, my grades were very poor. Possibly the only benefit I got from that class was that I learned to make cream puffs, never mind that I couldn't boil water without burning it, but I have probably only made them half a dozen times in the half century which followed. I'm pleased to say that I haven't lost my touch for lack of practice, and Ed's whipping cream is almost gone.

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