Monday, May 20, 2024

New Farseers

Day 220: It is said that patience is its own reward. For some time now, I have been accruing "rewards" points with a favourite store, and finally built up enough to invest in a new pair of farseers. My old ones have a broken eye cup, and are stamped "made in occupied Japan." That should give you a clue as to their age. Another issue with the old ones is that they don't flex far enough to fit my small face, meaning that I've always had to close one eye when looking through them. These snug down nicely to my pupillary distance. The new pair is also a bit stronger and has a slightly wider field, not excessively so, but rather just perfect for birding. They also give an image which is somewhat sharper. Good optics are important when it comes to identifying birds in the field, and I am quite pleased with these.

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