Thursday, May 2, 2024

Peony In Bud

Day 202: It's the time of year when everybody posts pictures of peony buds, so far be it from me to miss the opportunity to jump on the bandwagon. My peonies came with the house, one of very few ornamentals to be found in the overgrown flower beds. The roots were buried so deeply that they never would have bloomed. In fact, I only found them while digging out weeds. Once lifted to the proper planting depth (partially exposed to sunlight), they rewarded me with the blood-red blossoms which had been my father's favourites. Over the years, I shifted them from one location to another until they found a final home beneath the east living room window where I can admire them while watching the birds at the feeders. Even after the flowers have shed their petals, the foliage remains lush until autumn.

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