Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Master Meriadoc

Day 242: I promise not to submerge my readers in kitty photos, but I do beg your indulgence for a few. This was a major change in my life, losing Tippy so suddenly, and now my hours are dedicated to Master Meriadoc as he adjusts to his new household. We slept unexpectedly well last night, although having a cat in the "hammock" of blankets between your knees makes changing position quite a production. Merry went right to bed at lights-out, and slept in that cradle until 2:30 when he decided I needed to wake up and play. We did chase-the-fingers for half an hour (gently) and then he was happy to go back to sleep, this time curled up beside my head, and holding hands with me. It did him a world of good, because when we got up, he went immediately into Zoomie Hellcat mode and didn't slow up for five hours. When he did crash, he dropped like a rock in the chair. I picked him up, put him in my lap, and that's where we've been for the last hour or so. He is a bundle of energy, and I swear he can leap sideways without his feet ever touching the floor. What surprises me most is how well he's adjusted to his new environment, i.e., without any real break-in period at all. It is obvious that he was given a lot of love in his former home, because he is very human-oriented, following me everywhere, yowling when I'm out of sight, tangling himself in my ankles, sitting on my foot, leaping into my lap regardless of where I'm sitting. And purr? He has a motor that would do a rock crusher proud, for all that he only weighs two pounds eleven ounces.

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