Monday, June 3, 2024

Tippy's Post

Day 234: Update: There were complications. My little love Tippy is no longer with us.

 We are not out of the woods yet because he has to be anaesthetized for the procedure (a dodgy proposition, given that he has a Grade 4 heart murmur), but at least we know what the problem is. Tippy is in the hospital with a UTI and concurrent urinary blockage, and will remain there at least overnight, possibly until Friday. I'll spare everyone the details, but he had a very rough weekend, and I could not find an emergency vet to take him to unless I went to one almost two hours away with a long list of Google reviews complaining that although they gave good treatment, their prices were three to four times what any non-emergency vet would charge. I made an appointment with Tippy's regular doctor for this morning, and was there when they opened the doors. While they did x-rays and an ultrasound to determine if there were stones or a mass (neither was present), I sat in the car and waited. When his doctor called me in several hours later, she said, "The good news is that we found the type of crystals we expected." He'll stay in the hospital until they get him drained out and rehydrated, and then he'll be on antibiotics for a while, with several follow-up visits. And that's all I know at this point, but at least it's encouraging.

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