Thursday, July 11, 2024


Day 272: "Be careful what you wish for," isn't that how the saying goes? Back before I knew any better and had just bought my current home, I was looking for any kind of cheap or free landscaping plants to fill in an almost empty yard. I'd seen this plant at my husband's parents' home and liked its efficiency as a low-growing ground cover. The parking lot at the local K-Mart had borders of it, so one day, I packed my trusty trowel and a pair of snips, intent on making a quick raid for a handful of starts. It wasn't quite as easy to effect as it sounds. The roots travel a long ways, but eventually, I was able to dig out a few lengths. That should have been a clue, but I was young and innocent, and blithely unaware of Hypericum's tendency to spread rampantly, and its sheer dogged persistence once established. I've given up trying to eradicate it, and these days, I keep it in check with savage mowing, the only recourse short of dropping an atomic bomb on it, and I suspect it might even survive that measure.

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