Saturday, August 17, 2024

Crocosmia In Orange

Day 309: Around on the far end of the garage where I only see it when I'm wandering around the yard looking for post-worthy botanical bits, an orange Crocosmia is struggling to survive. It came to me as seed, courtesy of my botany partners, and was the only one of several dozen which germinated. I am assuming that since it was grown from seed as opposed to a developed bulb, it's taking longer to establish than my old red "Lucifer." It has sent out a blossom spike annually for the last several years, but the plant itself, although healthy, is not spreading with the same vigor as the red variety. I'll probably regret saying this some day ("be careful what you wish for"), but I do hope it eventually takes off. It's such a lovely colour, and not one seen as commonly as red.

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