Friday, August 23, 2024

Dove Line

Day 315: Although pigeons drive me nuts because they clean out my bird feeders in a matter of seconds, Mourning Doves (Zenaida macroura) don't inspire me to rush the window screaming profanity and waving my arms. In fact, I rather enjoy them. A few visit the seed trays, but for the most part, they're content to clean up what the other birds scatter on the ground. It's been twenty years or so since the first pair showed up in my yard. The following year brought a couple more, and then by the third year, I had a flock of eight. The population has grown somewhat since then, but even so, it has remained at a dozen or so, possibly limited by the availability of other natural forage. This morning's assembly reminded me of a Pixar short called "For the Birds." All it wants is for a clumsy owl to land in the middle of the chorus line.

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