Saturday, August 3, 2024

The Entire Kiwi Crop

Day 295: There you have it, people: my entire crop of hardy kiwi fruit for the 2024 growing season, all three of them. I pruned the vines so very carefully last fall, opening up the tangle to allow for new growth, taking out the non-productive branches, doing it as "by the book" as I could manage. Theoretically, I should have been up to my eyeballs in fruit but for that wildly fluctuating spring weather, blistering hot one day, dipping close to freezing the next. It hit right as the vines were beginning to show the first inclination to bud. Only these few survived. The vines are too firmly established to move to a more protected location, but on the "up" side, they're dense enough to provide nice shade on the north side of the trellises.

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