Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Some Is Better Than None

Day 3: "Some is better than none." I use that phrase frequently when I gather less of a comestible than I'd hoped (usually mushrooms), or when I find myself with only a few inches of thread left from a project. This year, I got six figs, the first my tree has borne to ripeness. Likewise, I will have harvested exactly six kiwis from my small-fruited hardy vines when all is said and done. The first two were delicious! The remaining four will probably reach ripeness today or tomorrow. Some, albeit a scant few, is better than none. I think this tiny harvest was kept at a minimum by several factors, most notably spring weather which went from scorching hot to freezing, cycling between the two for the better part of April and May. The vines produced only a few flower buds and even fewer flowers. That said, the fruits which did develop prove that the plants are indeed "self-fertile," but a lack of pollinators also played a major role in keeping berry production at a minimum. Maybe next year's crop will be better, but in any event, "just enough to fill my hollow tooth" is better than none at all.

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