Monday, October 7, 2024

The Greatest Indignity

Day 360: This went more smoothly than I'd expected. Other than having the water turned on him once when I was trying to teach him to stay out of the kitchen sink, Merry had not yet had anything resembling a true bath. Cats in this household get bathed several times a year, mind you, and I needed to start breaking him in to the process while he's still young. I fully expected him to come up all teeth and toenails, but other than resisting having his front paws lowered into two inches of warm water (his back feet were already in), there was no particular struggle. I soaped him up, rinsed him with the sprayer and by holding him beneath the faucet, all the time talking gently to him and keeping my eyes closed so as not to present a threat if he tried to initiate eye contact.. His beautiful Russian Blue coat barely shed a hair, as opposed to Tippy's and Skunk's, either of which filled the drain strainer whenever they were bathed. Merry and I concluded the procedure with both of us unscathed and thoroughly wet, and no harm done. His initial Tropicana Cat Wash experience was a total success!

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