Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Tunnel Vision Action Sequence

Day 45: "Where's that silly little cat?" Merry can hide better than any cat I've ever met. His grey colour blends into any background, making him harder to locate than black Tippy ever was. I can usually draw him out of hiding by getting Stick for some interactive playtime, but not always. In this particular instance, I stood up from weaving, didn't see him in any of his customary haunts, so I said, "Where's that silly little Merry-cat?" Then I heard the Tunnel crackle as he shifted his weight ever so slightly. I picked up the camera before getting down on my knees to play the Staring Game, knowing that the "eye" of the lens was even more likely to get a reaction than even my own staring eyes, and sure enough, he launched as soon as it winked. The Staring Game has developed a new wrinkle. Instead of rushing past me in a faux attack, now he often jumps onto my back while I'm on my knees and rides me like a horse. I don't think he understands that his mama is an old lady. To him, I'm just a big kitten playmate.

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