Wednesday, January 22, 2025

At Big Bridge

Day 102: In the hopes of finding more elaborate examples of haareis (hair ice), I took a walk out to Big Bridge yesterday, but with the clarity of hindsight, I know now that I should have waited another hour or two for the frost to melt. I found only a few small formations, widely dispersed, and no more than an inch long. That said, it was a lovely but chilly hike of a little over a mile to the bridge on hard-frozen ground. I have to admit it was a relief not to be travelling it when it's muddy. As part of the Nicholson Horse Camp trail system, the path gets pretty well chewed up by horse hooves, and there are almost always abundant equestrian "land mines" to dodge. Still, Big Bridge is my number-one site for haareis, and at this time of year, most of the horsey crowd is staying at home. The photo on the left was taken facing west from the bridge and shows the area where haareis appears. The photo on the right is the view to the east.

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