Day 88: He knows where those weaving cones are, and it's driving him nuts. He saw me put them up there, out of reach of little cats who have already caused mama some consternation by trying to swallow strings, but even from the arm of the triple-mirror vanity (off camera to the left), he knows he'd never make the jump to get them. That said, he's learned not to dangle from the warp on Jutta or steal the bobbin. He knows chewing on the yarn on the spinning wheel gets him into trouble. But those cones...those cones are more temptation than any little cat should be forced to endure. My crochet thread lives in the kitchen cupboard alongside bread pans and baking dishes; the socks I'm knitting are in a zippered cooler beside my chair; wool is sealed in freezer containers; pencils go head-first into pint jars to protect the erasers; the toilet paper is hidden in an upside-down coffee can. You really have to get up before breakfast to outsmart Merry!
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