Monday, March 3, 2025

Inkle Pickup

Day 142: In the last few days, I finished up two inkle-loom bands. The sheep krokbragd went quickly, even more quickly than I'd expected. The green-gold band took a little longer because it used regular sewing thread for the ground (background threads), but I enjoyed working with the fine thread so much that I immediately replaced it with another sewing-thread band. If I had thought the green threads were difficult to see, that was because I hadn't tried dark purple yet! Each gold thread in the pickup design has to be separated from the next gold thread by two purple threads, and these purple threads have to be kept in precise order. Even slight variations of tension in the warp threads can make this hard to achieve. I've found that if I separate the threads as close to the heddles as fingers will allow, I am less likely to make mistakes. The finished band will be approximately 60" long.

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